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Q&A panel for data science newbies

30 minutes


Are you just getting started in the world of data science and feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of information on various packages, models, and techniques? Perhaps you're finding it challenging to decide which visualization package to use or which tools to begin with. Maybe you're puzzled by the distinctions between pip and Conda, or you're feeling bombarded by all the news about AI and large language models.

Worry no more! Join us for this Q&A session, where a panel of data science experts will be there to address all of your pressing questions. This session is designed to create a relaxed and welcoming environment for complete beginners in the field, offering guidance on topics that might be causing confusion.


The speakers

Vaibhav Srivastav

Vaibhav Srivastav

I’m a Student Researcher at the University of Stuttgart (Computational Linguistics) and an ML Developer Advocate at Hugging Face focusing on extracting better insights from Text + Audio.

I’ve been a freelancer, tax analyst, consultant, tech speaker and advisor for five years. In the past three years, I’ve invested significant time volunteering for open source and science organisations like Hugging Face, EuroPython, PyCons across APAC, Google Cloud Delhi, and Facebook Developer Circles.

Delhi native, I now live in Germany!

Jodie Burchell

Jodie Burchell

Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Developer Advocate in Data Science at JetBrains, and was previously the Lead Data Scientist in audiences generation at Verve Group Europe. After finishing a PhD in Psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, she has worked in a range of data science and machine learning roles across search improvement, recommendation systems, NLP and programmatic advertising. She is passionate about making Python data science and machine learning accessible for others. She is also a long time content creator in data science, across conference and user group presentations, books, webinars, and blogging.