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Financial Aid

Financial Aid for Remote Tickets Available

Apply Now if You Need the Support!

Finaicial Aid for Remote Tickets will run between 9 June to 9 July.

Applicants for the previous in-person Financial Aid applications were notified of acceptance/rejection by 5 June, 2023. See timeline for details.

Financial Aid Sponsor

As part of our commitment to the Python community, we are pleased to announce that we offer special grants for people in need of financial aid to attend EuroPython.

The EuroPython Society are sponsoring the Financial Aid Programme with €25,000 this year.

If you want to support EuroPython and its efforts to make EuroPython accessible to everyone, please consider sponsoring EuroPython by reaching out to

Grant Types

You can apply for three different types of grants:

  1. [CLOSED] Free Ticket Voucher Grant: Get a voucher for a free standard ticket for the in-person conference.
  2. [CLOSED] Travel/Accommodation Grant: We will reimburse travel and/or accommodation costs up to €400.
  3. [CLOSED] Visa Application Fee Grant: Get reimbursed for the costs of a short-stay Schengen visa to the Czech Republic (up to €80).
  4. 🆕 Free remote ticket: Get a standard remote ticket to join the conference remotely for free.

Grant Eligibility

Our grants are open to everyone in need of financial support to participate in EuroPython. We will look at the following criteria to help decide who qualifies for a grant:

  1. Contributors: We want to support those who make the Python community a positive, inclusive and welcoming space. We welcome grant applications from folks who need financial support and who clearly put effort into the community and EuroPython, including speakers, volunteers, community organizers, and open-source contributors.
  2. Social & Economic factors: Everyone should have a chance to attend EuroPython, regardless of their social or economic situation.
  3. Diversity: We want EuroPython to be the most diverse and inclusive event possible, and we especially want to help those from under-represented groups in tech feel welcomed, be present in and contribute to our community.

How to apply

Apply Now if You Need the Support!

Application for Financial Aid for Remote Tickets runs between 9 June to 9 July.

Applicants for in-person attendance were notified of acceptance/rejection by 5 June, 2023. See timeline for details.

Privacy Policy

The data we collect on the application form will exclusively be used by our Financial Aid team for the selection of grant recipients and the processing of financial aid refunds. No data is passed on to third parties, except to our accountants and the bank in order to process the refunds. We use Google Forms for the processing and Google Drive for storing the relevant information.

For more details on our privacy policies, please see our privacy policy.


Grants for in-person participation will be awarded in two rounds. This makes it easier for us to reallocate grants in case grant offers were rejected in the first round. Receiving a grant early is also beneficial for people having to apply for a Schengen visa.

If you’ve applied for the first round, you will automatically be considered during the second round if you did not receive a grant during the first round. You do not have to reapply separately for the second round. In fact, if you want to increase your chances of receiving a grant, it is recommended to apply early.

You can also apply for a grant to participate remotely when the separate application is open.

Note: dates in the timeline follow the Anywhere on Earth convention.

6 March 2023Applications open
23 April 2023
Deadline for submitting first-round applications
8 May 2023
First round of grant notifications
15 May 2023
Deadline to accept a first-round grant
21 May 2023
Deadline for submitting second-round applications1
5 June 2023
Second round of grant notifications
9 June 2023 Applications for Remote Financial Aid open
12 June 2023
Deadline to accept a second-round grant
9 July 2023 Applications for Remote Financial Aid ends
31 July 2023Deadline for submitting receipts/invoices

Grant Policies

Policies for all grants

🆕 Free Remote Ticket

You will receive an individual voucher code that you can use to claim a free remote conference ticket.

[CLOSED] Free Ticket Voucher Grant

[CLOSED] Travel/Accommodation Grant & Visa Application Fee Grant

If you received a travel/accommodation grant or a visa application fee grant, you will be reimbursed after the conference via PayPal or bank transfer (SEPA/Swift). We will only reimburse you after we've received your receipt/invoices and a photo of your conference badge.

In addition, please pay close attention to the following:

Additional question

If you have any additional questions for the Financial Aid team, don't hesitate to contact us via

See you at EuroPython in Prague!


  1. If you've already applied for round 1, you don't have to reapply for round 2. Your application will automatically be considered for round 2 if you did not receive a grant in round 1.