How Python can help monitor governments
- Duration:
- 30 minutes
With the risk of losing access to information, Python has been used to create means for society to continue having the right to know what government officials are doing in Brazil.
This lecture aims to show how the difficulty of accessing Brazilian government information has been combated by creating tools that use Python and how the language has been a useful tool for those who seek to leave society in the light of information.
With the imminent risk of the collapse of democracies and the constant attacks on journalism, access to information becomes increasingly difficult. As a result, civil society and journalists have been looking for ways to ensure that society is not left in the dark and that government monitoring continues.
With the popularization of Python in several professional areas, the language has become increasingly present in the fight for a more open government in Brazil, whether in the construction of monitoring tools or in the analysis of data from a government agency. Initiatives by government entities are also helping to enable transparency.
In this talk we will see examples of the use of Python to monitor the Brazilian government and how the language was fundamental for Brazilian society not to be left in the dark by misinformation. The idea is to show examples of civic uses that the programming language is gaining in the fight for transparency in Brazil.