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Diving into Event-Driven Architectures with Python

30 minutes


Event-Driven Architectures (EDAs) target a real need in today's application landscape, as systems grow more complex or need to scale organically.

The talk will introduce the architecture and provide insights into different components which can be managed, connected and implemented with Python.

TalkSoftware Engineering & Architecture


Event-driven architectures (EDAs) and AsyncAPI are being pushed at the moment as the new big thing after REST/OpenAPI and GraphQL. Indeed, EDAs target a real need in today's application landscape, as systems grow more complex or need to scale both vertically and horizontally.

Python can help build such architectures by leveraging existing event bus/queue systems or by providing the needed async interfaces directly.

The talk will introduce the architecture and terminology around it, such as AsyncAPI, as well as provide insights into different components which can be managed, connected and implemented with Python.

It is also meant to spark some more interest in getting Python into a more prominent position within the AsyncAPI community, where Node and Java still dominate.



The speaker

Marc-André Lemburg

Marc-André Lemburg

Marc-André is the CEO and founder of, a Python-focused project and consulting company based in Germany, specializing in the data, finance and database space.

He also is a Python Core Developer, designed and implemented the Unicode support in Python. Marc-André served on the board of the PSF and EPS and loves to contribute to the growth of Python where ever he can.

More information is available on