Beginner Conference Orientation
- Duration:
- 50 minutes
Are you new to EuroPython or any Python conference? You must have a lot of questions like:
- What is a Lightning Talk?
- What is an Open Space?
- Besides going to talk, what else can I do?
- Why everyone seems to know each other, how can I join in conversations?
Don't worry, we are here to help you get the most out of your first EuroPython experience. Come to join us in this Beginner Conference Orientation that is tailer made for you.
In this orientation, we will break into 2 parts
1) Suggestions about what you can do as a first-time attendee at the conference (30 mins)
We will give you many tips on how you can get the most out of your experience here at EuroPython. We will also tell you what you can expect at the conference and how to make new connections at the conference.
2) No questions are stupid questions, ask away Q &A session (20 mins)
Since we are here to help we would like to let you ask us questions. We love your questions! Please ask us anything, we are happy to answer and no questions are stupid questions.