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BDD - how to make it work?

45 minutes


Behaviour-driven development promises evergreen documentation or human-readable executable specification - sounds great. However, adopting it takes much more than simply installing behave or pytest-bdd and writing Gherkin. This talk will show what.



This talk discusses common issues with BDD specifications, such as:

  • lengthy, hard to maintain & read specifications
  • intertwined order of given-when-then steps
  • technical details leaking to specifications.

Then it shows how to deal with them:

  • how to write good specifications,
  • what do modularization and DDD have to do with focused scenarios,
  • building automation layer to have reusable blocks for Gherkin scenarios.

The speaker

Sebastian Buczyński

Sebastian Buczyński

Trainer in Bottega IT Minds and Tech Lead @ Sauce Labs with over a decade of professional experience. Writes regularly under